Notice of MEPA Site Visit - Beverly Regional Transmission Reliability Project N-192 Cable Relocation - Beverly and Salem

Wylie Inn and Conference Center 295 Hale Street, Beverly, MA 01915
Event Date: 
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 1:30pm

An Environmental Notification Form (ENF) was submitted to the MEPA Office on behalf of the New England Power Company (NEP) d/b/a National Grid for the replacement and relocation of the N-192 cable, an underground 115 kW electrical transmission line, due to its declining condition and associated maintenance issues.  The project includes installation of the new line and removal of the old line, construction of the Waite Street #594 Switching Station, removal of equipment at the North River #03 terminal and upgrades to the Beverly#12 and East Beverly #51 Substations.  Work will occur within existing and previously disturbed areas associated with utility and roadway ROWs including paved roadways, a MassDOT owned and operated bridge, substation facilities and an active railroad line. The project is expected to impact 4,508 sf of Land Under Ocean (LUO), 3,855 sf of Coastal Beach, 203 lf of Coastal Bank, 32, 806 sf of Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage, and 28,698 sf of River front Area.

The project is undergoing MEPA review and requires the submission of an ENF pursuant to 301 CMR 11.03(3)(b)(1)(a) and 11.03(3)(b)(1)(f) because it requires a State Agency Action and will result in the alteration of coastal bank and ½ or more acres of any other wetlands.  The project requires a 401 WQC and Chapter 91 Authorization from MassDEP, a Non-vehicular Access permit from MassDOT and Rail Crossing Permit from the MBTA.

The meeting is scheduled as follows:

DATE: Wednesday, February 20, 2019

TIME:  1:30 PM

LOCATION:          Wylie Inn and Conference Center

295 Hale Street, Beverly, MA 01915

Meeting will be held in Newburyport Room Park in Main Lot.  At the entrance, follow the foundation to the Meeting Center & Inn.  It will be the middle building.

PROJECT CONTACT:  Mary Ellen Radovanic (617) 896-4506

Comments on the project will be welcome in writing prior to February 26, 2019.   A Certificate on the ENF will be issued on March 8, 2019.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act, this Meeting Notice is available in alternative formats upon request. Questions on the meeting may be answered by calling Erin Flaherty at 617-626-1128.