Recycling Committee



Sixteen years devoted to making Salem a Greener City

Interested in joining the Recycling Committee? Please contact the Waste Reduction Coordinator at 978-619-5672 and click here for more information. 


In March 2008 Mayor Driscoll appointed an all volunteer recycling committee, SalemRecycles, to develop ways to increase recycling and promote other green efforts to reduce the amount of waste created throughout the city. SalemRecycles is composed of residents who are committed to the task providing a variety of ways to promote means of reuse, repurpose and recycling. Committee members develop and promote educational and outreach programs through social media, printed materials, speaking engagements and hosting events providing other ways in which to keep items from the waste stream. In addition, the Committee collaborates with several local groups on specific green events. It has pioneered many initiatives including textile recovery, repair cafescurbside food scraps collection, e-waste recovery, a reusable bag initiative, cigarette butt recycling, semi annual book swaps and zero waste public events.Through these efforts Salem has become a recycling leader on the North Shore recognized by The State of Massachusetts as well as the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

Our mission is to reduce trash tonnage in the City of Salem by increasing recycling, diverting reusable items, and motivating city stakeholders through education and information.

salem recycles committee celebrates their 10 year anniversary with mayor driscoll


Regularly scheduled meetings are open to the public and generally held the first Tuesday of each month on the 1st floor of 98 Washington Street at 6:30pm. Task forces on communications, events and other projects may convene outside of regular meeting times.

During the first year the Committee distinguished itself by hosting a number of recycling and educational events. It was also the driving force in educating the citizens of Salem about  new regulations for the 2008 trash contract which limited the amount of waste that households were allowed to place curbside. Since then SalemRecycles has been instrumental in helping residents transition to the state of the art Automated Cart System in which began in November of 2015.

Click Here to See Our Accomplishments and Recognition 

    Staff Contacts

    Name Phone
    Janelle Rolke 978-619-5672

    Board Members

    Name Title
    Nancy Gilberg Member
    Carol Hautau Vice Chair
    Jennifer Birenbach Clerk
    Bruce Cohen Member
    Cameron Fullerton Member
    Joel Dashnaw Chair
    Demi Fox Member
    Brian Romer Member
    Catherine Deyo Member
    Lucie Patrowicz Member
    Mari Alix Member
    Daniell Hepting Member
    Sandra O'Donnell Member