Historical Commission meeting agenda 06-20-24

Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 6:00pm




6:00 P.M.

*Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Salem Historical Commission will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. via remote participation in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023

Every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. If we are unable to do so on matters not requiring a public hearing, we will post on the City of Salem’s website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting.

Individuals may participate remotely in the meeting via a remote participation platform called Zoom. Members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting may access the remote participation meeting through any one of the following ways:

  • Go to the website https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81559891875?pwd=WmsvMjVQRkZkbTJrVko4aVBQaWpVZz09 or enter it into your web browser to join the meeting; or
  • Go to the website link https://zoom.us/join and enter Webinar ID# 815 5989 1875 and enter Passcode 992474
  • Dial a toll-free phone number 877-853-5257 (Toll Free). When prompted, enter Webinar ID #815 5989 1875, enter Passcode 992474 and follow the instructions to join the meeting. Those only dialing in will not have access to the direct video feed of the meeting but can follow along with the project materials that will be available for download online prior to the meeting.
  • The link to access project materials can be found at 06-20-24 SHC Meeting folder

Members of the public attending this meeting virtually will be allowed to make comments if they wish to do so, during the portion of the hearing designated for public comment. The meeting will be opened early at 5:45 pm to allow members of the public to test their audio. During portions of the meeting in which public comment is permitted, members of the public who have “raised their hand” in Zoom will be called on to offer comment. In order to raise a hand, members of the public using the Zoom computer or phone application may click the “Raise Hand” button; members of the public dialing in may press “*9” to raise their hand to speak.






  1.   194 Federal Street – William Marchand – Certificate of Appropriateness –Architectural roof shingles - This application is being considered under the minor change category per the Historical Commission policy regarding architectural roof shingles. If no abutter objection is received, this certificate will be issued on June 12, 2024.
  2.   29 Washington Square North – Bertram Home - Certificate of Appropriateness – Replace windows - continuation
  3.   112 Federal Street – Stephen Zippilli; Lori Hart – Certificate of Appropriateness – AC condenser installation - continuation
  4.   6 Harrington Court – Anil Mezini – Certificate of Appropriateness – Replace windows - continuation
  5.   19 Broad Street – Kyle Watson; Amanda Lowder – Certificate of Appropriateness - Replace exterior electric meter – continuation
  6.   38 Washington Square – Claire Kallelis - Certificate of Appropriateness – Demolish garage - continuation
  7.   31 Chestnut Street – Michael Selbst; Bradley Williams – Certificate of Appropriateness – EV charging station - continuation
  8.   262 Lafayette Street Unit 3 – Susan Mulak – Certificate of Appropriateness – Replace windows - continuation
  9.   27 Herbert Street – Nancy A. Corral Realty Trust - Certificate of Appropriateness – Replace electric meter
  10.   6 River Street – Paul Martel 2004 Revocable Trust – Certificate of Appropriateness – Reconstruct chimney
  11.   115 Derby Street – The House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association – Certificate of Appropriateness – Replace signage and site changes
  12.   155 North Street – 151 North Street LLC – Waiver of the Demolition Delay – Demolish more than 50% of roof
  13.   275 Lafayette Street – Request for review of final construction details per condition of previously issued Certificate
  14.   Other Business:
    1. Minutes;
    2. Violations;
    3. Correspondence
  15.  The following applications were recently approved under a Certificate of Non-Applicability:

ADDRESS                     OWNER                            DATE ISSUED                                  WORK APPROVED               

301 Lafayette Street       Maniots Equity LLC             6/7/24                                             fence inkind

14 Beckford Street         Griffin                                   6/11/24                                            EV charger - not visible

328 Essex Street            Guerriero                             6/11/24                                            repoint stairs

127 Derby Street             Lumasta                              6/11/24                                            inkind painting


Persons requiring auxiliary aids and services for effective communication such as sign language interpreter, an assistive listening device, or print material in digital format or a reasonable modification in programs, services, policies, or activities, may contact the City of Salem ADA Coordinator as soon as possible and no less than 2 business days before the meeting, program, or event. Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 30A §18-25, and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-203