Salem School Committee - Regular School Committee Meeting - May 20, 2024, 7:00pm

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Monday, May 20, 2024 - 7:00pm

DATE POSTED: May 16, 2024 


Notice is hereby given that the Salem School Committee will hold a Regular School Committee meeting on May 20, 2024 at 7:00p.m. This meeting will take place in person at 29 Highland Ave., Rm. 227, Salem, MA. You can also join via Zoom using the link below. 

Zoom Link to participate:

Passcode: 047912

I. Call of Meeting to Order 

A. Summary of Public Participation Policy (SC Policy #6409). 

Read aloud: The Salem School Committee would like to hear from the public on issues that affect the school district and are within the scope of the Committee’s responsibilities. Spanish interpretation is available for anyone who needs it. The members of the School Committee would like to remind the public that Salem Public School students regularly attend School Committee meetings. We encourage all meeting participants to model respectful and productive public discourse for our young learners.

B. Live Spanish Interpretation. 

Spanish language interpretation is now provided for all regular School Committee meetings. To listen to this meeting with Spanish language interpretation, please see instructions below: 

1. Click Interpretation . 

2. Click Spanish 

3. (Optional) To hear the interpreted language only, click Mute Original Audio. 

C. Instructions for Participating in Public Comment 

Should any member of the Salem community wish to participate in public comment during this meeting, please click on the following link to sign up and submit your comment electronically: A district staff member will be compiling all comments which will be shared with members prior to the end of the public meeting. Comments will also be summarized in the meeting minutes. Please contact Krista Perry at or 617-285-7567 with any questions or to report any technical difficulties you experience. 

II. Approval of Agenda 

III. Public Comment 

See above instructions for participating in public comment.

IV. Approval of Consent Agenda 

Approval of minutes of Regular SC meeting held on May 6, 2024

Approval of Warrants: 5/9/24 - $281,544.06; 5/16/24 - $1,124,159.72

Approval of the New Liberty Innovation School field trip to Canobie Lake Park in Salem, NH on 6/14/24 

V. Community Partner Showcase - Family Resource Center 

VI. Superintendent’s Report      

English Learners Parent Advisory Council Leadership Presentation (Priority 3.4)

College & Career Counseling Recommendations (Priority 1.4)

VII. Student Representative Report 

VIII. Action Items: Old Business 

IX. Action Items: New Business

Deliberate and vote on approval of Approval of the Salem High School JROTC field trip to Schreiner University/ Drill Camp in Kerrville, TX from 6/23/24 - 6/29/24 

Deliberate and vote on approval of Approval of the Salem High School JROTC field trip to Randolph Macon Academy/Senior Leadership Camp 1 in Fort Royal, VA from 7/13/24 - 7/19/24 

Deliberate and vote on approval of Approval of the Salem High School JROTC field trip to Randolph Macon Academy/Senior Leadership Camp 2 in Fort Royal, VA from 7/16/24 - 7/22/24

Deliberate and vote on approval of Approval of the Salem High School JROTC field trip to Camp Outdoor Odyssey in Boswell, PA from 7/21/24 - 7/27/24 

X. Finance & Operations Report 

End of Year Budget Transfers 

XI. Subcommittee Reports 

Finance Subcommittee 

Personnel Subcommittee 

Building & Grounds Subcommittee

Curriculum Subcommittee

Policy Subcommittee 

A. Policies for third reading:

Policy 2110 - Administrative Reports 

Policy 2200 - Administrative Personnel Positions 

Policy 5103 - Controlled Choice Student Assignments 

XII. School Committee Concerns and Resolutions 

XIII. Adjournment 

Respectfully submitted by, 

Krista Perry 

Executive Assistant to the School Committee & Superintendent 

“Persons requiring auxiliary aids and services for effective communication such as sign language interpreter, an assistive listening device, or print material in digital format or a reasonable modification in programs, services, policies, or activities, may contact the City of Salem ADA Coordinator at (978) 619-5630 as soon as possible and not less than 2 business days before the meeting, program, or event.”