Sustainability, Energy and Resiliency Committee (SERC) Regular Agenda

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 6:30pm

    You are hereby notified that the Salem Sustainability, Energy, and Resiliency Committee will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, May 22, at 6:30 PM via remote participation in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Massachusetts Acts of 2023.

    Please direct any questions to Stacy Kilb, Sustainability Engagement Coordinator, or

    (978) 745-9595 x41013

    Important Announcement:

    Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Mass. Acts of 2023, this public meeting of the City of Salem Sustainability, Energy, and Resiliency Committee is being conducted via remote participation.  Members of the public who wish to watch, listen, or provide comment remotely during the meeting may do so in the following manner:

    Remote Participation Instructions

    Join online:

    Phone in toll free:    833 548 0282 or

    877 853 5257 or

    888 475 4499 or

    833 548 0276

    Webinar ID: 876 9298 2443

    The meeting will be opened at 6:25 P.M. to allow members of the public to test their audio. During portions of the meeting in which public comment is permitted, members of the public who have “raised their hand” in Zoom will be called on to offer comments.  To raise a hand, those using the Zoom computer or phone application may click the “Raise Hand” button; those dialing in may press “*9” to raise their hand to speak.

  • Introductions  
  • City Council Liaison Update (Kyle Davis)
  • City Updates
    • Event Recaps & Upcoming Events (Stacy Kilb and John Hayes)
    • Need for committed volunteers (Stacy Kilb)
    • Climate Leaders Program (Neal Duffy (tentative) and Mary O’Neil)
  • Guest Speaker: n/a
  • Old/New Business
    • Draft mission statement
  • Public Comment 
  • Approve Meeting Minutes – February 28 and April 24, 2024 minutes
  • Upcoming City Committee Meetings 
    • Agendas can be found at:  
    • Salem Food Policy Council: First Monday of the month, 6/3/24, 6:00PM 
    • Recycling Committee: First Tuesday of the month, 6/424, 6:30PM 
    • Tree Commission: Third Monday of the month, 6/17/24, 6:00 PM 
    • Conservation Commission: Third Tuesday of the month, 6/18/24, 6:30PM

Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 39 §23B, and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.  Please contact the Sustainability and Resiliency Department at (978) 745-9595 x41010 for more information.