SERC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 24, 2024


February 28, 2024 6:30 P.M. 

Meeting Minutes - Remote Participation  


Board Members Present 

John Hayes, Chair 

Will Winn 

Rick Nye 

Erin Bonney Casey 

Chris Cantone, Vice Chair 


City Staff Present: 

Stacy Kilb, Sustainability Engagement Coordinator (recorder)  



Elvis Alvarez 



SATV (recording) 

Steven Andrada 

Betsy Frederick (SERC applicant awaiting confirmation) 



Kyle Davis, City Council liaison to SERC 


City Council Liaison Update (Kyle Davis) 

Specialized Opt-In code passed 

Draft was presented to SERC by Neal Duffy; discussed by Committee and a letter of support was provided by SERC to City Council 

Chris Cantone asks how he came to be liaison to SERC and his thoughts on how the Committee’s work can be brough to the Council 

Environmentalist, interested in this work, signs up for environmental, housing, and social justice work.  

Notes the learning curve; had a conversation with Jeff Cohen 

Councilor Alice Merkl and he have had discussions on transitioning to electric leaf blowers. Is SERC interested in discussing this?  

Will Winn asks if Councilor Davis has reviewed the Resilient Together plan? Will focuses on housing decarbonization, and the document shows that light transit and housing are two big sources of carbon emissions in Salem. The state of MA is trying to decarbonize in next 6 years. How can we move forward with this?  

Specialized code is a good step. Housing conversations intersect with carbon emissions. Discussions include allowing multifamily housing in areas where it is not currently allowed. There are racial and economic justice components, but zoning also has a huge environmental impact. 

John Hayes: SERC’s website has presentations of past speakers, including John Dalzell from the City of Boston speaking about building decarbonization; Kyle Davis may want to review. 

Betsy Frederick asks about CZM/Healey administration re coastal resiliency planning. Does the City/City Council/Planning Dept. Engage with them on any regional planning effort?  

Kyle has not been part of these conversations yet but will look into it. Erin Casey notes that SSCW has been involved in CZM discussions re Resilient Mass Plan, grant funding, and outreach. City should be involved too as this is a strong funding mechanism 


City Updates 

Specialized Opt-In Code 

Past & Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities 

Energy Coach Office Hours (see flyers, available for 1:1 appointments) 

National Grid Energy Fair, Mon. 3/11, 2 PM – 6 PM, El Espacio, 105 Congress St.  

Zero Waste Weekend 

Downtown Drawdown commercial waste audits 3/20 & by appt. 

Fri. 3/22 SSU Events & SPS 

Sat. 3/23 book swap, e-waste, free document shredding 

Presentations to SSU classes (April)  

Salem Kicks Gas: A North Shore Electric Vehicle Expo, Sun. 4/28, 1 PM- 4PM, Salem High School 

Living Green Expo, Sat. 5/11, 10 AM – 1 PM, Old Town Hall & Derby Square  

Haunted Happenings Parade, Thurs. 10/3, 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM 

Earth Week Salem State April 8-12: Speakers, panels, movie Fri. April 12th 12:15PM Inundation District, coastal flooding in Boston, director will be present. 

Will met w/CLEAResult Mass Save staff, NGrid and Mass Save are pushing enhanced incentives. Normally 75% off insulation, now it is 100% off insulation for income eligible. Insulation and air sealing are key to heat pumps being effective. Multifamily or landlord owned single family homes are 100% incentivized.  

If your gas usage is 200 therms or above at peak in winter, there is an opportunity to insulate (if house is below 2500 sf). 

PUBLICIZE THIS – Mayor's blast  


Guest Speaker: n/a 


Old/New Business  

Chris Cantone discusses stepping down as Vice Chair, suggests Erin Casey in his stead 

Discussion of SERC subcommittees/liaisons 

Events Coordination Subcommittee 

Resiliency planning at SESD, the Salem-Beverly Water Supply Board, and the city's stormwater management.  (Erin Casey & John Hayes) 

Follow offshore wind project/port development  

Scope? Permitting, development – CBA is out of SERC’s scope. Attend planning Board meetings when this is on the Agenda.  

Neal and Jenna Ide are both on the High School development Committee, and Neal can update as needed.  

Liaison to HEET (report to SERC 2-3x/year) 

Liaisons to: Conservation Commission, Tree Committee, Planning Board, Recycling Committee 

Discussion of SERC changing SERC’s role to more than just an advisory committee  

RETF formed under MassCEC, its mission statement followed theirs, membership capped at 7. SERC has been as such for 7 years, with a broader focus an d mission 

We should form a subcommittee to examine guiding bylaws/rules for other Sustainability committees separate from CEC. Ex. Under the current mandate, SERC is not allowed alternates who could vote in case of a lack of quorum. What do other cities/towns’ guidelines say? Attendance should be required for membership.  

Betsy Frederick: Does SERC have regulatory function? No, it is advisory only to Mayor and City Council, but the City Green Building Ordinance requires that SERC provide input on City buildings. This has not been triggered yet. 

Wetlands Ordinance amendment, as well has Flood Hazard Overlay District updates and C-ROD, did appear before SERC. Rick Nye: hitting our stride, meeting attendance, not having alternates has been an issue. Good opportunity to change committee for the better. Rick, Stacy, and John to collaborate. Alternate would be allowed to vote in the event that a regular member was unable to attend 



Review of Mass. State government actions re sustainability and climate change (John Hayes)  

Mass CEC focus 

Greenhouse emissions reduction 

New CEO 

Vineyard offshore wind project 

Salem Offshore Wind Terminal transfer of ownership to CEC (42 acres w/5 acres owned by Salem) 

CBA w/ Crowley (SOWA) Salem Offshore Wind  

2023: Gov Healey creates first ever Climate Chief position (Melissa Hoffer) and climate science advisory panel (Name) 

Clean Energy projects in MA  

Mass Save info/Heat Pumps 

No more fossil fuel rebates being given out after August, no more financing w/HEAT loan (presumably) after September 

HP water heaters are huge 

Must disconnect gas system or thermostats if doing whole home conversion to Heat Pumps. Exception if boiler also runs hot water but must disconnect from heating thermostat. 

Partial home rebates are per ton. Integrated controls for HPs above a certain temp and gas system below that temp. “Home like a hybrid car.” HPs are not as efficient at very low temps.  

If a resident has electric baseboard heat, they should go whole home, no reason to do partial. 

Can get smart thermostats directly from the website Mass Save 

CEC Cadmus group study on cold climate ASHP effectiveness “Residential Heating Electrification In the Northeast”

Community Climate Bank/affordable Housing 


Public Comment  



Approve Meeting Minutes – December 6, 2023 

A motion to approve the above minutes is made by Will Winn, seconded by John Hayes, and passes 5-0. 

John Hayes Yes 

Erin Casey Yes 

William Winn Yes 

Rick Nye Yes 

Chris Cantone Yes 

Elvis Alvarez Absent 



Upcoming City Committee Meetings  

Upcoming City Committee Meetings   

Agendas can be found at:   

Salem Food Policy Council: First Monday of the month, 3/4/24, 6:00PM   

Recycling Committee: First Tuesday of the month, 3/5/24, 6:30PM   

Tree Commission: Third Monday of the month, 3/18/24, 6:00 PM   

Conservation Commission: Third Tuesday of the month, 3/19/24, 6:30PM 


Next SERC Meetings – Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 6:30PM (virtual)  



A motion to adjourn is made by Rick Nye, seconded by Chris Cantone, and passes 5-0. 

John Hayes Yes 

Erin Casey Yes 

William Winn Yes 

Rick Nye Yes 

Chris Cantone Yes 

Elvis Alvarez Absent