C-ROD Information page

Coastal Resilience Overlay District
C-ROD Zoning Map
Extent of C-ROD (red hatch marks)

A new C-ROD Coastal Resilience Overlay District that will establish new standards for resiliency to projected worsening coastal flooding is under consideration for adoption.

Please use this C-ROD Extent and Water Elevations Viewer for Salem MA GIS interactive web map that allows user to find the projected 2070 Sea Level Rise Base Flood Elevation (SLR BFE) for any location inside the new overlay.

If you prefer a non-interactive document, PDF Map showing Boundaries of C-ROD as well as PNG Map Showing Boundaries of C-ROD are available.

To familiarize yourself with the scientific background and process for C-ROD development, visit the project webpage.

For Public Hearing Documents, visit this page: Salem City Council Joint Public Hearing with the Planning Board relative to 3 Zoning Ordinance Amendments, C-ROD, FHOD, Districts

Other resources to view Salem's Zoning: